When I was a postdoc at U.C. Berkeley, and first discovered the Web-- around 1992 and 1993, at exactly the same time everyone else did-- getting online was hard. It could take an hour to establish a TCP/IP connection-- an hour of hitting the redial button, and watching the little green lights flicker on the modem (why were there so many of those lights, I wondered? what were they saying that I couldn't understand?), waiting for that magic sound of the handshake between my modem and the network's.
(т.к. не всем может быть очевиден сарказм в начале моей записи, отмечу следующее: процитированное в основном - чепуха; в 92-м году ещё почти никто про веб не знал; большинство пользователей интернетом в 92-93 годах заходили в него не через модемы, и TCP/IP тут тоже ни при чём)
← Ctrl ← Alt
Ctrl → Alt →
← Ctrl ← Alt
Ctrl → Alt →