"Finally a short story for the record. In 1968, the Communications of the ACM published a text of mine under the title "The goto statement considered harmful", which in later years would be most frequently referenced, regrettably, however, often by authors who had seen no more of it than its title, which became a cornerstone of my fame by becoming a template: we would see all sorts of articles under the title "X considered harmful" for almost any X, including one titled "Dijkstra considered harmful". But what had happened? I had submitted a paper under the title "A case against the goto statement", which, in order to speed up its publication, the editor had changed into a "letter to the Editor", and in the process he had given it a new title of his own invention! The editor was Niklaus Wirth."
goto considered harmful
"Finally a short story for the record. In 1968, the Communications of the ACM published a text of mine under the title "The goto statement considered harmful", which in later years would be most frequently referenced, regrettably, however, often by authors who had seen no more of it than its title, which became a cornerstone of my fame by becoming a template: we would see all sorts of articles under the title "X considered harmful" for almost any X, including one titled "Dijkstra considered harmful". But what had happened? I had submitted a paper under the title "A case against the goto statement", which, in order to speed up its publication, the editor had changed into a "letter to the Editor", and in the process he had given it a new title of his own invention! The editor was Niklaus Wirth."
ссср-1956 в фильме лелуша
Борис Владимирский в ФБ выложил фильм, который 19-летний Клод Лелуш снял в СССР 1956 года, попав туда туристом и тайком взяв туда камеру. "Чтобы моя…
дани орбах о ситуации с сделкой
Военный историк Дани Орбах пишет у себя в фейсбуке о сделке с Хамасом, ошибках, допущенных Израилем в Газе, и перспективах. Перевод с иврита.…
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/aYReipkftew Slickback is the new moonwalk. Выглядит потрясающе. P.S. В реддите есть видео, где объясняются два…
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ссср-1956 в фильме лелуша
Борис Владимирский в ФБ выложил фильм, который 19-летний Клод Лелуш снял в СССР 1956 года, попав туда туристом и тайком взяв туда камеру. "Чтобы моя…
дани орбах о ситуации с сделкой
Военный историк Дани Орбах пишет у себя в фейсбуке о сделке с Хамасом, ошибках, допущенных Израилем в Газе, и перспективах. Перевод с иврита.…
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/aYReipkftew Slickback is the new moonwalk. Выглядит потрясающе. P.S. В реддите есть видео, где объясняются два…